Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trying this blog thing one more time...

I always love reading everyone's blogs. Living this far away from family and friends makes it hard to feel like you know what is going on in their everyday lives and blogging fills this gap. So, I am trying this blog thing one more time. I want people to know what is going on with us and also I think it will be a good way to keep track of these days with Claire and soon to be #2, that go so quickly. So, I will do my best!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Claire is ready for Valentine's Day!
Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our first blog

Hello Family and Friends,
This is our first attempt at a "Blog." I decided that with a new baby on the way and friends and family across the U.S., we needed a way to keep everyone updated. I am sure when Claire arrives we will have tons of pictures to post. We are a little behind the times in the technology world, but hopefully we will be able to maintain it. I hope everyone enjoys!